Discourage 'flying rats' from nesting at your house
Many people don’t think twice about birds nesting in their eaves, but would be horrified to learn of rats living in their basement.

Quality Contractors needed for community, NeighborWorks
April 2023 Plumbers, roofers, painters, electricians, carpenters, are you reading today? In our blogs, we tend to address the homeowner....

Prepare your house for fall weather
What a remarkable autumn we’ve had! It’s one for the record books! The rain levels have been much lower and the temperatures much higher...

Protect yourself from carbon monoxide poisoning
Recently we’ve been talking about fire safety in our homes. Today, we turn our attention to a related topic: carbon monoxide poisoning....

Save money in home repair fund
Some folks think that once you buy a house, you can simply sit back and watch it appreciate in value. It doesn’t exactly work like that!...

Up on the housetop, you should look!
We hate to interrupt the last bit of summer with a mention of added chores. However, we also want you all – and your house – to be warm,...

Tackle some house jobs during August
We have just a couple of weeks before school bells start ringing again! Even as an adult it can feel like summer is the shortest season...

Always use a ladder stand-off for high chores
Beautiful summer weather is helpful for many home maintenance chores. So, is a ladder stand-off! Last week we gave you a list of chores...

Beautify your deck for summer fun!
Decks in our coastal climate need frequent attention and care. A couple of weeks ago we discussed deck safety in this blog, including...

Safety first while entertaining on deck!
It looks like summer has finally arrived! Hurray! And, with the risks of Covid-19 lower, outside entertaining will likely be more...