Avoid housing scams!
Scams. What is it about the springtime that seems to make them sprout up like weeds? We’ve also noticed that scams also seem to appear...

Scams come in all shapes and sizes!
Scams come in all shapes and sizes and are aimed at different sorts of potential victims. The common wisdom is that it’s elderly folks...

Look out for rental scams!
Look out for rental scams! The housing market has been going crazy around here with the demand to buy houses in Grays Harbor outstripping...

Be alert for housing-related scams
Scams. They seem to sprout up like weeds during the spring, and hyenas during times of disasters! In our last blog we talked a bit about...

Scammers are out in full force during pandemic
Any time there is any type of disaster – from weather-related events to economic downturns to health crises –unscrupulous jerks come out...